Maritime Silk Road Twin Cities (Macau-Xiamen)
Artists’ Joint Exhibition
“海絲雙城(澳門·廈門)藝術家聯展”是“濠藝流”計畫巡迴展覽系列的一部分,由澳門文化創意產業促進會CCIP ART主辦,獲澳門特區文化發展基金資助、澳門特區政府文化局的支持。 協會曾於2023年7月在法國巴黎Espace Sorbonne 4 畫廊舉辦“濠藝流”計畫之 《穿越者的穿越——巴黎當代藝術聯展》盛大展覽,廣受讚譽。 作為“濠藝流”計畫巡迴展覽系列的延續,本次聯展,以澳門為主場,徵集廈門32位藝術家與澳門12位澳門藝術家作品共同展出。 廈門具有多元,開放,包容的城市文化特質,為當代藝術的形成與發展提供了土壤,滋養了一批優秀的當代藝術家。 自上個世紀八十年代廈門就湧現出了如“廈門達達”等當代藝術的思潮與團體,使廈門在中國當代藝術中異軍突起,至今仍有活躍在世界藝術領域的當代藝術家。 本次展覽,旨在建立兩個城市之間跨文化藝術的交流與展現的平臺為導向,展現廈門的當代藝術與澳門的現狀,由兩地各自的發展經歷引伸至如今兩地交流發展的文化藝術創作命脈,並探討內地城市與中國澳門之間的文化藝術合作關係。
The "Maritime Silk Road Twin Cities (Macau-Xiamen) Artists’ Joint Exhibition" is part of the "Macau Art Flow" touring exhibition series, organized by CCIP ART , funded by the Macau Cultural Development Fund and supported by SAR Government Cultural Affairs Bureau. The association previously hosted the "Macau Art Flow" event《Transmigration byTransmigrationers ——The Voyager’s Transmigration – Paris Contemporary Art Joint Exhibition》 in July 2023 at the Espace Sorbonne 4 Gallery in Paris, France, to widespread acclaim. As a continuation of the "Macau Art Flow" series, this joint exhibition, centered in Macau, showcases works from 32Xiamen artists alongside 12Macau artists. Xiamen, with its culturally diverse, open, and inclusive urban culture, has nurtured a range of outstanding contemporary artists. Since the 1980s, Xiamen has been a hotbed for contemporary art movements and groups like "Xiamen Dada," propelling it to prominence in China's contemporary art scene, with artists still active globally. This exhibition aims to establish a platform for cross-cultural artistic exchange and display between the two cities, showcasing Xiamen's contemporary art and Macau's current state. It extends from each city's developmental experiences to the cultural and artistic collaboration and growth between them and explores the cooperative relationship in culture and art between mainland cities and Macau.
陳安琦 ,綺麗頌,陶土,25 x 13 x 34 cm,2023
Angel Chan,Odes of Gorgeous,Ceramics
鄧國豪, 光合作用 ,攝影 、藝術微噴,72 x 53 cm ,2023
Tang Kuok Hou,Photosynthesis,Photography
Giclee print
黎小傑 ,荏苒,布面油畫,130 x 100cm,2023
Lai Sio Kit,Time Goes by,Oil painting on Canvas
Wong Hio Chit,Store Mo,Mixed Media
Fang Zhi xiang,Still Life and Body
Wooden Chinese Laquer
She Guo Hua,Peitian Early Spring
Chinese lacquer,Gold Leaf Poder
吳允鐵 ,少女 NO.02,水墨設色,59x70cm,2019
Wu Yun Tie,Girl NO.02,Wooden Chinese Laquer
Shen Ye,Song-01,Bamboo strips, iron chains,
iron hooks, ground nails, metal stones, scholar’s stones
沈也 ,曲-03,鑄銅、鐵鏈,4000X1800X80cm,2021
Shen Ye,Song-03,Cast copper, iron, chain
Zhou Hongbin,Free From All Persistent passion-8,Photography, collectible photo paper,Giclee Print
Zhou Hongbin,Free From All Persistent Passion-6,Photography, Collectible Photo paper,Giclee print
高孝午,我們這一代 Oh Yeah!不鏽鋼,63x40x31cm,2007
Gao Xiaowu ,Our Generation - Oh Yeah,stainless steel
勃然之势, 郭明,天然大漆、金銀箔粉
60x60cm 2018
A Sudden Momentum, Guo Ming
薛君寧 ,夢境之二 ,紙本水墨設色,87x48cm,2013
Xue Jun Ning,Dreamland No.2,Ink and color on paper
薛書琴,雲起-6 ,紙本水墨,82.5x236.6cm,2015
Xue Shu Qin,Listening to the Wind-6
Ink and color on paper
Exhibition information
Maritime Silk Road Twin Cities (Macau-Xiamen) Artists’ Joint Exhibition
澳門文化創意產業促進會 CCIP ART
澳門特區政府文化發展基金 Macau FDC
澳門文化局 ICM
汪藍 Wang Lan
黃依雯 Evelyn Wong
趙倩 Zhao Qian
早上10點至下午7點 公眾假期照常開放
澳門 Macau
陳安琦 Angel Chan
蔣靜華 Cheong Cheng Wa
張恆豐 Cheong Hang Fong
鄭慧蘭 Chiang Wai Lan
姚詠思 IoWengSi
楊文軒 Ieong Man Hin
三日 Karen Yung
黎小傑 Lai Sio Kit
鄧國豪 Tang Kuok Hou
吳敏慧 Ng Man Wai
王曉捷 Wong Hio Chit
查蕊 Zha Rui
廈門地區 Xiamen
白苓飛 Bai Ling Fei
陳敬忠Chen Jing Zhong
方偉 Fang Wei
方智祥 Fang Zhi Xiang
高孝午 Gao Xiao Wu
郭明 Guo Ming
黃方啟 Huang Fang Qi
黃啟佑 Huang Qi You
黃朝政 Huang Chao Cheng
開火 Kai Huo
李雲燕 Li YunYan
李光輝 Li Guang Hui
林毅 Lin Yi
林澤洪 Lin Ze Hong
陳崇輝 Lucas
麻顯鋼 Ma Xian Gang
孟麗 Meng Li
閔一耀 Min Yi Yao
戚彧 Qi Yu
佘國華 She Guo Hua
沈也 Shen Ye
宋蓬勃 Song Peng Bo
王凱 Wang Kai
王劍 Wang Jian
吳允鐵 Wu YunTie
吳嘉詮 Wu Jia Quan
薛君寧 Xue JunNing
薛書琴Xue Shu Qin
張榕泉 Zhang Rong Quan
趙倩 Zhao Qian
周宏斌Zhou Hong Bin
鍾大章 Zhong Da Zhang
Exhibition Hall information